What is a DNS leak? What are transparent DNS proxies? How to fix a DNS leak. Hello from , United States. Whats the difference? about | link to 

05/07/2020 01/05/2020 13/07/2020 17/02/2020

Build Your Own Smart DNS Proxy and Unblock Netflix From Anywhere: There are many commercial services on the Internet, which allow their users to bypass Netflix geographic blocks in order to access content out of region. For example, if you are a US expat living in the UK and want to access the US Netflix catalog


To prevent the use of the proxy for casual browsing, the API requires either the Origin Source code : https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/ Documentation  

Face à la multiplication des systèmes permettant de déverrouiller son catalogue à l'échelle mondiale, le service de SVOD Netflix vient de faire une annonce radicale dans un billet de blog La